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How Can We Serve You Today?

Winter 2025
Accountability Team

Ready to feel amazing while crushing your goals & leveling-up your leadership?


Regenerate Schools & Retreats

Are you an Ag Producer or Homesteader who longs for enhanced profitability, sustainability & quality of life?


Speaking Events,
Breakout Sessions

In need of an engaging Keynote, dynamic speaker, or interactive facilitated activity for your next event?

100% Grassfed& Finished Beef

pastured lamb

Can we help you take the guesswork out of meal planning with local, regeneratively-raised meats?

Joshua & Tara Dukart of western North Dakota are really good at asking questions.


How good? 


Well, good enough to say it’s one of the reasons they call their triple-generation-operation SEEK FIRST RANCH, where they’re full-time raisin’ & grazin’ grassfed beef and hair sheep, direct-marketing premium meats, and homeschooling their 3 inquisitive-proficient children…right next door to Joshua’s parents.


As Professionally Certified Educators and Trainers through Holistic Management International and Maxwell Leadership,  Joshua & Tara are transparent about their unexpected transformation from, “we will NEVER move back to the ranch,” to fully believing the ranch is their place for optimal healing, health, opportunity, and profitability.


With a knack for turning chaos into clarity, Joshua & Tara have already helped hundreds of families and teams from around the world level-up their land, relationships, and wealth through their signature REGENERATE Schools & Retreats and enhance their Leadership through their NEWLY OFFERED Accountability Groups and Masterminds

Scroll back up to see how they can help you seek your next-right-step. 



The Seek First Ranch Mission:

to seek first God's will, to steward & nourish His creation, and to ask better questions


​"But Seek First the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness & All these things shall be Given to you."  - Matthew 6:33


Joshua and Tara Dukart & family

 4th & 5th Generations Stewarding this Land

​Seek First Ranch LLC

Hazen, ND USA


Please Note: we are full time ranchers, speakers, educators, facilitators, and homeschooling parents.

If you have browsed the links & tabs above and are unable to find the answer to your question,

kindly reach out to Tara at 701-400-0591 & she'll respond during her office hours. 



Copyright © 2016-2025  Joshua & Tara Dukart of Seek First Ranch LLC - All Rights Reserved


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