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 Schools & Speaking Events

Regenerating Land, Wealth, & Relationships

What is Regenerative or Holistic Management?

Regenerative management is a method of working with a landscape to restore soil, plant, animal & human health by working in harmony with nature. Holistic Management is a decision-making framework that's all about balance & achieving goals that match your desired quality of life. It's reflecting on your "whole" picture. 


What exactly are we intentional about balancing?

  • Finances

  • Resources, land, plants, animals

  • Relationships

When any one of these three categories is neglected, our whole operation & livelihood can suffer. 


How do we stay balanced?

We begin by creating a clearly identified vision - a vision that supports your quality of life. 


Is Holistic Management a "recipe"?

It is not. Holistic Management does not tell us what to do or how to do it. Instead, it allows us to question our thinking and shift our paradigms to improve our effectiveness. 


At Seek First Ranch, we believe:

      It’s not about having the right answers,
     It’s about asking the right questions.


Do you & each of your team or family members know the direction you are headed? 

Are you all working to achieve the same goals?

Is your communication effective?

Are you profitable?

Are you regenerating healthy soils and caring for all the organisms above & below the soil surface?

Do you have the quality of life you desire?


The right fit for you and your family or business isn't always the right fit for your neighbor.

We respect that. 


Whether you are new to Regenerative or Holistic Management or well-seasoned in managing your finances, resources, and relationships using regenerative or holistic principles,

our Schools & Speaking Events are designed with you in mind. 


Joshua & Tara Dukart of Seek First Ranch believe ranchers, farmers, & other agriculture professionals have a unique ability to simultaneously & synergistically regenerate soils, build healthy profits & achieve their desired quality of life & relationships. 


What's your vision for 2025?

Are you interested in becoming more effective with your time, energy, & resources?

Are there any barriers that are currently hindering your success?

Is there someone in your family or operation who could benefit from joining you and us in a supportive learning community?


Connect with us to learn how you can take your first or next steps in

Regenerative or Holistic  Management.

Inquire below to find out if a 1-day, 2-day, or 3-day School is best for you. 




 What might Personal or Group Coaching look like for me?
At Seek First, We believe you are in charge of your habits & routines. We know how challenging it can be to make changes to those habits & routines,

especially if they have been years or decades in the making.

Sometimes past hurts or struggles keep us believing things about ourselves or our circumstances that hold us captive. It affects our thoughts, words, actions, & relationships.

We believe you have the right to experience freedom and optimal mental, physical, nutritional, & spiritual health. We believe you are worthy, & you are loved unconditionally by the God who created you in His own image. 

We, as people, are perfect and priceless.  Sometimes our actions and habits are not. 

Let's work on that together. 

An effective coach can help you identify necessary habit & thinking changes. An effective coach can help you set & hold yourself accountable to your goals, much like a personal trainer. We can offer suggestions & guidance as you work toward meeting your own intentions for improving your mental, physical, nutritional, & spiritual health.

Parenting coaching available too!



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The Seek First Ranch Mission:

to seek first God's will, to steward & nourish His creation, and to ask better questions


​"But Seek First the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness & All these things shall be Given to you."  - Matthew 6:33


Joshua and Tara Dukart & family

 4th & 5th Generations Stewarding this Land

​Seek First Ranch LLC

Hazen, ND USA


Please Note: we are full time ranchers, speakers, educators, facilitators, and homeschooling parents.

If you have browsed the links & tabs above and are unable to find the answer to your question,

kindly reach out to Tara at 701-400-0591 & she'll respond during her office hours. 



Copyright © 2016-2025  Joshua & Tara Dukart of Seek First Ranch LLC - All Rights Reserved


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