The people.
Their stories.
Oh, the stories told
during our time together in Texas
shared with people
from all over the world
who gathered together
to learn
to explore
to grow
to share their lives
to go deep
and talk about real things
Things that matter.
and it's profound and beautiful
when people are free to share
their struggles
their ideas
their hopes
and their dreams
for their families
for their communities
for the land they steward
and the creation in their care
And it's rich.
So we invite you
(and so are the adventures)
Would you like more information about #WinWarriors?
 Copyright © 2023 Tara Dukart of Seek First Ranch. All Rights Reserved.
Now, for the REGEN RECAP - click play, sit back, and enjoy this journey...
Special thanks to:
The wonderful HMI program and grants manager, Dana McDaniel Bonham, for this photography and video plus all of her behind-the-scenes coordination;
The nearly 50 participants of the April 2023 Regen Ag School: Integrating Holistic Management® into Your Ranch or Farm;
Our fellow instructors & facilitators: Kirk Gadzia, Wayne Knight, Christine Martin, & Casey Wade;
The beautiful, award-winning hosting & learning facility: Josey Pavilion at the Dixon Water Foundation in Decatur, TX;
and Holistic Management International
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